K-12 Education

In the K–12 education space, we offer
  • Technical Design Services (HTML5 Development, HTML5 Conversion, LCMS/ CMS Integration, API Development, Web Portal Development, Mobile Application Development, School Administration)
  • Media Design Services (2D, 3D Animation, Tech Art and Illustrations, Audio and Video Post Production)
  • Instructional Design Services (ID Architecture, Lesson Development, Assessment and Evaluation)

We believe that great instructional design (and evaluation) is the key to great learning; that you need to create the correct mental models so that children do not have to unlearn much of what they have learnt earlier. We believe that children need to learn through scaffolding and problem solving. We know that a child who is confident, who learns from failures and successes will grow into great things in the future. We want our children to enjoy Math and Science just as they do reading Social Sciences and English literature. We do not subscribe to the whiz bang graphics school nor in activity based learning divorced from achieving the goals and objectives set out for learning.

We have built deep instructional design skills in our company as part of our mission to provide an eco system for learning. We want to provide an environment, where knowledge and even more importantly applying that knowledge is the natural way for children to learn. Where, for example, decibels are not simply about a logarithmic ratio. It is about how good a soprano sounds in a theatre, it is how you perceive a construction worker using a drill bit against a concrete wall, about how grainy a video is, how the “loudness” of sound changes as we move away – when children apply knowledge across different situations and different domains, they begin to "get it".

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